
S.N Title Content Download
1 GANESH CHATURTHI It is hereby informed to all faculty members , staff and students that the college will remain closed on account of ' GANESH CHATURTHI' dated 19th Sep 2023. College will reopen on 20th Sep 2023(Wednesday) as usual.
2 HINDI DIWAS SAMAROH It is hereby informed to all faculty members, staff and students that the college will celebrate 'HINDI DIWAS SAMAROH' on dated 14th Sep 2023. On this occasions a house wise debate competition will be held among trainee teachers. Topic will be:- " Necessity of Mother Language for overall Development of Human Being". Hence all the concerned students are required to participate and contact to Mr. Sunil Kr. Soni (Asst. Prof.) for any querry. Program timing : 01:30 pm onward.
3 VINOBA BHAVE JAYANTI It is hereby informed to all faculty member, Staff and Students that the college will celebrate ' Vinoba Bhave jayanti' on 11th Sep 2023. Day Monday at Central Hall. On this occassion a house wise speech competition will be organised among students . Hence all the concerend students are required to participate and contact to Mr. Sunil kr. Soni (Asst. Prof.) for any querry. Topic:- Education Philosophy of Archarya Vinoba Bhave and its role in the current perspective. Program timing :- 01:30 pm onwards.
4 SRI KRISHNA JANMASHTAMI & CHAHALLUM It is hereby informed to all faculty member ,Staff and Student that the college will remain closed on 6th Sep & 7th Sep 2023 on the occasion of 'SRI KRISHNA JANMASHTAMI & CHAHALLUM' college will reopen on 8th Sep 2023 (Friday) as usual.
5 RAKSHABANDHAN It is hereby informed to all faculty members, Staff and Students that the college will remain closed on 31st Aug 2023 (Thursday) on the occasion of "RAKSHABANDHAN" . College will reopen on 1st September 2023 (Friday) as usual.
6 LAST MONDAY OF SAWAN It is hereby informed to all faculty member, staff and students that the college will remain closed on 28th August 2023 (Monday) on the occasion of LAST MONDAY OF SAWAN College will reopen on 29th August 2023(Tuesday) as usual.
7 INDEPENDENCE DAY It is hereby informed to all faculty member,staff member and students that the college will celebrate 'INDEPENDENCE DAY' dated 15th Aug 2023. Therefore all are compulsorily required to attend the same in the college campus. Note:- Time of flag hoisting is 9:00 AM and reporting time is 8:30 AM
8 MUHARRAM It is hereby informed to all faculty member, staff and students that the college will remain closed on 29th july 2023 on the occasion of MUHARRAM .College will reopen on 31st july 2023(Monday) as usual.
9 B.Ed Session- 2022- 24 Sem II Classes It is hereby informed to all faculty members ,staff and Students of B.Ed session 2022-24 that the 2nd Sem classes will begin from 28th july 2023. Therefore all the concerned student are required to attend the classes regularly. (Note- Timing 9:00 Am to 3:00 Pm).
10 उच्च तकनीकी शिक्षा एवं कौशल विकास विभाग उच्च तकनीकी शिक्षा एवं कौशल विकास विभाग (उच्च शिक्षा निर्देशालय) झारखण्ड के पत्रांक 02/वि01-104/2017-159 दिनांक विभागीय अधिसूचना संख्या 792 दिनांक 19.01.2023 जो 18.04.2018 एवं जे०सी०ई०सी०ई०वी० /92/22-02 रॉची दिनांक 31.01.2023 के आलोक में बी०एड० पाठ्यक्रम सत्र 2023-25 में जे०सी०ई०सी०ई०वी० राँची द्वारा काउन्सेलिंग के पश्चात नामांकन हेतु इच्छुक सी एम एल रैंक धारित अभ्यर्थी अपने आवंटन पत्र के साथ महाविद्यालय कार्यालय में संबंधित दस्तावेज के साथ दिनांक 21.07. 2023 से 27.07.2023 तक नामांकन लेना सुनिश्चित करेगें। निर्धारित तिथि के बाद आवेदनकर्ता का आवेदन किसी भी परिस्थिति में स्वीकार नहीं किया जाएगा। |