
S.N Title Content Download
1 GURU PURNIMA It is hereby informed to all faculty members , staff and students that the college will remain closed on the ocassion of " GURU PURNIMA" DATED 03.07.2023. College will reopen on 04.07.2023(Tuesday) and the college timing has been changed with effect from 04.07.2023. The timing of college is 09:00 Am to 3:00 Pm.
2 BAKRID AND HUL DIWAS It is hereby informed to all faculty members , staff and students that the college will remain closed on 29th and 30th June 2023 on the ocassion of BAKRID and HUL DIWAS. College will reopen on 01 July 2023(Saturday) as usual.
3 EPC- 3 & 4 File Submission Session - 2021 - 23 It is hereby informed to all students of B.Ed Session 2021- 23 (4th sem) that the EPC - 3 & 4 File Submission date is 04.07.2013 . Hence all the concerned students are required to deposit the file on or before 04.07.2023.
4 EPC - 1 File Submission Session - 2022-24 It is hereby informed to all students of B.Ed Session 2022-24 (1st sem) that the EPC- 1 file submission date is 01/07/2023. hence all the concerned students are required to deposit the EPC- 1 file to Miss Tanima Priya or Mr. Sunil Kumar Soni(Asst.Professor) on or before 01/07/2023
5 Internal Examination of B.Ed Session (2021-23), Sem, - IV It is hereby informed to all the faculty members and students of B.Ed Session (2021- 23), Sem- IV that their Internal Examination will be conducted as per the given schedule (After all dues are clear then only student will be allowed to appear in Examination. Date Time Paper Code Subject 26.06.2023 08:45 am - 10:15 am Tc - 401 Gender School , Society (Paper - X) 27.06.2023 08:45 am - 10:15 am Tc - 402 Knowledge & Curriculum (Paper - XI) (Part - II) 28.06.2023 08:45 am - 10:15 am Tc - 403 Creating an Inclusive School (Paper - XII) 01.07.2023 08:45 am - 10:15 am Tc - 404 Optional Paper (Paper - XIII) (Health & Phy. Edu.& value Edu. & HR)
6 Examination Form Fill Up of B.Ed Session - 2021 - 23 via Online Mode This is to inform all the students of B.Ed Session (2021- 23) , Sem - IV that their University Examination Form fill up will be conducted via Online Mode on as per the University Schedule (Letter No- E- 354/1606/2023 dated 23.06.2023) The Last date of filling the Examination Form is 03.07.2023. (After 04.07.2023, Rs 100 will be Charged daily).
7 Internal Examination Sem - I Session - 2022- 24 It is hereby informed to all the faculty members and students of B.Ed Session (2022-24) sem - I that their Internal Examination will be Conducted as per the given Schedule. Date Time Paper Code Subject 24.06.2023 08:45 am - 11:45 am Tc- 101 Childhood & Growing Up 26.06.2023 08:45 am - 11:45 am Tc- 102 Contemporary India & Education 27.06.2023 08:45 am - 10:15 am Tc- 103 Language Across the Curriculum 28.06.2023 08:45 am - 10:15 am Tc- 104 Understanding Discipline & School Subject
8 EXAMINATION FORM FILLUP (B.Ed. Session: 2022-24) This is to inform all the students of B.Ed. Session (2022-24), Sem-I that their University Examination form fillup will be conducted via online mode on as per the University Schedule (Letter No- E.539/1570/2023 dated 17.06.2023). The last date of filling the Examination form is 28.06.2023 (After 04.07.2023, Rs 100 will be charged daily) Download
9 INTERNATIONAL YOGA DAY It is hereby informed to all faculty member, staff and students that '9th International Yoga Day' celebration will be held on 21.06.2023 in the college campus. Hence all are required to attend the program.
10 SUMMER VACATION It is hereby informed to all faculty member, staff and students that the college will remain closed from 01.06.2023 to 20.06.2023 on account of SUMMER VACATION. College will reopen on 21.06.2023 as usual.